Tzohar Halev A Special World for Special Children
“Even if I am a little different...I am a flower, a flower in a garden.”
(Excerpt from a play performed by Tzohar Halev students, 2006)
Every person was blessed with vast capabilities and talents unique only to him, and packed with seeds overflowing with potential that are just waiting to sprout. But without a warm environment and the right hands to deliver tender care, how can anyone, and especially the challenged people in our society, grow and blossom?
We at Tzohar Halev Special Education Schools provide for over 1,000 charges the best soil in which to thrive and prod each one toward their optimal development and progress.
Tzohar Halev offers-
- Schools throughout Israel: Tzohar Halev maintains institutions from northern Rechasim, to Beit Shemesh, Beitar, Ashdod, and down to Arad in the south. The often exclusive alternative of Tzohar Halev is offered to children living in the wider periphery: the center in Rechasim accommodates students from Tzefat, Chatzor, Teveria, Migdal Haemek, and Chadera, and the Ashdod school accommodates those from Beer Sheva, Ashkelon, Sderot, and other towns.
- Education for a vast range of students: Over 1,000 students receive education at Tzohar Halev, among them students with learning disabilities, language and behavioral disorders, brain development limitations (retardation), autism, and Down syndrome. The institutions include over one-hundred-and-fifty schools throughout Israel, in which each student is provided with an individual treatment and education program.
- Excellent professional services: About 1,000 trained staff members are at the students’ service. The staff includes teachers and assistants, therapists, paramedics, and counselors, who continue extensive training courses and work with the most advanced methods and equipment in the world.
- Large age spectrum: Tzohar Halev accompanies the student from early childhood until adulthood, offering classes for ages three and up, schools for youth up to the age of twenty-one, and communal housing and occupation centers for adults.
- Comprehensive education network: preschool and schools, rehabilitative occupation centers, communal housing options, vacations, and recreation clubs for all ages. At Tzohar Halev the students receive the full gamut of education as required by the Liba Program for special education, with an emphasis on preparing them for independent living, offered through sessions in apartments and kitchens, outdoor lots for practicing safety rules, advanced occupational equipment, community activities, and more.
- Extensive therapy: art, music, animal, and drama therapy; occupational therapy; speech therapy; physical therapy; hydrotherapy; sensory regulation in advanced multi-sensory rooms; life skills; integration in the community and workforce. Each disorder and stage is met with a professional solution. It is not always easy for a special child to blossom. It is because of this challenge that we appreciate the importance of enriching their world, and helping them discover their inner artist and sprout every seed of creativity, joy, and contribution to society. Thousands of our special alumni have integrated into society with a feeling of confidence and value. Can there be any sweeter fruit than our students?
P.O.B :65, Kfar Chasidim 2049600 Tel: 04-9849138 Fax: 04-9849147 Mail: