Title: “I lost my Way, I stopped to Listen” 2016
Concept by: Damian De Langeron
Stylist: Vanessa Terrazas, Eva De Langeron
Model: Kath Gorbacheva
Artist statement:
"Rhapsody of Feelings" « Art to me, is like the sun rising out of the East....it has, it does, and it will always will. There is no other way of life. Art in any forms is my philosophy, my religion, and my life» Damian De Langeron
I consider myself a professional artist. Spent over 20 years practicing, learning. My main media is film, digital photography, design, jewelry, abstract art. Credo of my work is that each picture must be different in approach and subject matter so as avoid the stifling rut of repetitiousness. When I paint the richness of earthly things observed, I capturing my immediate, sensual response to the essence of forms, light and colors. "When I capturing human I trying to capture the depth of person character, feeling and the best in the person that been accumulated in memory through life-time. But is working from the imagination of my soul, a compelling idea, a provoking design or drama of contrast and color, I become deeply involved an internal search in my soul corner for each new subject's of episode of my life or life others who touched my heart - most significant and intrinsic elements"
This perfect poem for description of this photo:
Do you believe?
Do you believe?
In rising up to love
In catching your breath
In touching your dreams
Do you believe?
In meeting someone
Whose eyes are as vast as the sky
Who tugs at your heart
Do you believe?
In butterflies
In morning dew
In sunshine
In the warmth of a smile
Do you believe?
In letting go
And letting God
Do you have faith?
And hope
For you, for me
For everyone
Do you believe in rising up to Love?
By Damian De Langeron
Photo by Steve Escarcega www.steveescarcega.com
Media Partner - Olga Papkovitch / CEO & Founder Of PopImpressKA Journal and Art Couture www.popimpresskajournal.org and www.popimpresska.com