With more than thirty years in the television industry holding administrative, creative and executive positions, Margie Tor continues to steadfastly add value to the medium which she refers to as “my special place” until today, now living in Los Angeles. Arriving at ABC Network in NYC in the early 1970’s she spent the next ten years at the network learning from the best minds in the business. Afterwards, she accepted a managerial position with King World Productions, Inc. in NYC where she remained and thrived for the next decade and a half.
NAME: Margie Tor
PROFESSION: Executive Producer / Writer / Casting Director
FACE FIVE TV Show: https://facebook.com/
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At King World I was a huge part of the introduction and production of The Oprah Winfrey Show. I planned and executed the very first event to introduce Oprah to the world! The event in September of 1986 at Navy Pier in Chicago was the premiere of the very first episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show! And the rest is television history.
The positions held at King World, until today, are hard to detail as they encompassed every aspect of production, creativity, administrative and teamwork to drive the commercial success of all the Shows at King World.
Today, I proudly announce my own Show and Creation, Face Five showing the world how very touching and real Millennials are. This Show is Unscripted.
How do you describe yourself in one sentence?
I am an extremely passionate woman incapable of going to sleep with a plan for the following day.
How do you get in to entertainment?
At 7 years of age while watching “Mary Tyler Moore” throw her hat in the air in NYC at the Intro of her Show, I knew, that is where I must be. 15 years later I arrived at ABC-TV and yes, I threw my hat in the air when I got my first job.
Which achievement are you especially proud of?
My 49 year marriage to the love of my life, Joe after knowing him only 6 weeks!!
What moves and encourages you?
The very little special things in life, like the sound of a bird chirping or leaves blowing in the wind on an autumn, the way hair flies or the sound of beach waves! The smell of sun lotion on a hot day at the beach, Crazy, right?
Are you upset about critique?
Never, ever! This is how we learn and grow. If the intention is genuine then it is necessary.
Where does your next trip lead you to?
ROME…I have never been there and I cannot wait to go – one day.WHY ROME WHATS YOUR VISION, DREAM AND EXPECTATION? The history, food, people and culture. I feel very connected to Italy and feel as though I will find relatives there.
7. What can your assistant or help do that your smart phone can’t?
Keep me Calm!
8. Are you a night owl or early bird and why?
A Night Owl. When dark and alone my best work is written and best ideas come to me after a long busy day.
9. Whom would you like to dine with present or past (even a historic person)?
John F. Kennedy. I was only 12 when this favorite President was assassinated. I have studied every aspect of JFK his entire family. I believe these were difficult times in our nation and I would love his personal view of a very critical time here in the USA especially the Cuban missile crisis.
10. If you would bestow a decoration, order or honor who would receive it?
My Aunt Mary, she deserves it. For a lady born in 1902 raising a Down’s Syndrome born in 1939 he lived to be 64 years old and she gave Cousin Artie a fabulous life just by treating him no differently than anyone. …she was the wisest person in the world and a GIANT to me.
11. What is your favorite restaurant?
All of them as long as the food is delicious. Between NY and LA alone there are thousands!! Italian food is my absolute favorite and there are so many ways to make the very same dish. I love exploring if they are as good as my husband’s and what their trick is??
12. The best place after a party night out in town?
My sofa with a warm beverage in a comfy outfit! Hot Cocoa or Tea…to relax
13. How can you be treated with a culinary delight?
Anytime my hubby Joe cooks it is a culinary treat. He is that good! Chicken Scarperelli. His secret is in preparation and exact timing on cooking. Most best dishes are not baked but sautéed on top of the stove!
14. How do you relax?
By being in the comfort zone of my own home. I love to be home and comfortable, Oh, fireplace and sofa with TV on!!
15. If you could be someone else for a week, who would that be?
Ron Howard. He is the best mind and writer I can think of, for me.
16. Your biggest hero?
Gandhi. His knowledge His persistence. Most of all – his sacrifice and service.
17. Which character attributes do you treasure?
Loyalty, Responsibility, Compassion, Fairness, Honesty.
Which book did you read last?
The People Next Door, by Christopher Ransom. I love thrillers with twists and I love stories about actual people. Since I am a non-fiction writer, I enjoy a fictional thriller novel. I just love to learn about all sorts of characters and what is behind their exterior.
19. What is a perfect day?
Wake up feeling great to a sunny day, a great breakfast to the newspapers, a long walk, shopping, a quick stop for a light lunch, finding great shoes and little “great finds” then home to a beautiful aroma cooking in the kitchen eating dinner then off to watch a fabulous Netflix which has a twist… – hit the sack. Cannot beat that!!! I love eggs!!! Poached is my favorite. And for a light lunch a chopped salad. Shoes need to be high and sparkly. Cooking crispy chicken is fun, creamy mashed potatoes and a chopped salad..Yummy. And on Netflix I enjoy the court room dramas, love stories, true life tales.
20. What are you proud of?
The life I have led and the family and friends who I love. My five grandsons and our only daughter Tracey who is my dream.
21. Which dream do you want to fulfill yourself?
To produce this Show Face Five and have it change young lives for the better. People are important to me. All types of people and I love people who are different than myself since I learn through their experiences.
22. Whats your favorite drink?
French Martini. That is easy, perfect vodka, Vanilla Bean, Chambord liqueur and pineapple juice!!
23. Your biggest success and your biggest dream?
I do not believe it has happened yet. And I want to be the best female producer in my lifetime of baby boomers.
24. Your biggest down?
Sweating the small stuff.
25. What can’t you understand?
People who gossip or lie.
26. Which talent would you like to have?
The ability to heal others. I would love to heal the sick or the heartbroken.
27. Share a life wisdom with us?
Your life is not about finding yourself, it is, however about to continue to create yourself.
28. Life is too short to?
To waste on someone or something not worth your time.
29. How do you define luxury?
A great memory to define your experiences and the wisdom to be able to express them to others.
30. What do you always have in your fridge?
Pasta Salads!
31. What’s your life motto?
Just truly be who you are meant to be and hone the gifts you have been given and actually treasure those gifts and teach others.
32. Whats your favorite website?
Anything Art, decorating, psychology, travel, clothing trends and shoes (laughs!).
33. Whats your favorite app?
Canva https://www.canva.com/
34 Whats your favorite sport?
35. What would be your last meal?
Fantastic Steak Dinner at Ruth Chris. The sizzling butter steak!!
36. Tell us something you never told anyone before?
I cry every single day, happy or sad, I just must cry.
37. How did the idea about face five start?
It was my idea about 18 months ago, It took many forms and shapes but when I met the right millennials we went into production and yes, I cried!!
38. How did you find your cast?
First with an ad, then one by one, through recommendations and it all just happened.
39. What is special about these five?
Absolutely everything. They are a blend of everyone. They are black and white, straight and gay. They are curvy and thin. They are REAL and more importantly – they are SMART and they CARE about making a difference. The camera rolls and they do not hold back nor do I want them to!
40. What is unique about each one?
Each one has the ability to share their heart…each in a different way but with an honesty and integrity I have not witnessed in this demo.
Kate: She is a sweet small town midwestern gal with a lot of wisdom as though she had grown up in a big city. Her heart is as big as the globe.
Nic: She appears tough, although she is truly a “soft touch”. Do not burn her. I just love her honesty and Her Self pride and her protection of her family.
Viv: Although wiser and more mature than her 25 years, she surprises me each time, I actually see the 25-year old in her and it makes me chuckle.
Dan: Where do I begin.? He is probably my son from another life. He is loyal, honest, bold and brave. He takes criticism so well and his heart is so big. He stays in touch with me almost daily and his love is never ending. He will always have an opinion!
Jason: He is still a mystery to me. An enigma wrapped in a riddle. He does not wear his heart on his sleeve. He is a fine broadcaster with a ton of knowledge. I know him but I am still getting to know him. I love him.
Together, these five are the best combos to make this Show succeed.
41. Who is the target audience about Face Five?
14-30. The High Schoolers love them.
They are the older brother or sister and they are listening in on and the others are with them at a restaurant or a coffee shop…chatting about life, pop culture, opinions on trends, money, rejection, career moves, competition, social media and on and on…
42. What can you learn from Face Five?
Millennials talk about everything. They worry. They care. They have fears. They feel grief and pain. They truly laugh and cut it up. They share and sharing is learning. They also show how to disagree and still remain friends.
42. What makes Face Five unique?
They are UNSCRIPTED and AUTHENTIC. They do not have the ability to fake it. This is the truth and millennials know the truth when they hear it.
43. Where do you see Face Five in the future?
A Network Unscripted Day talk … with guest stars but always the authentic chat between them is current, trendy and they share their opinions.
44. Face Five creates a lot of buzz. Why is that? You got the topics that move 2018 obviously. I knew this was needed, that is a fact. The truth is How Very Much this is needed astounded me. The comradery between these hosts is uncanning. They truly are FRIENDS. You just cannot have the honest convos they have and not have a connection. Their chemistry is next to none.
45. Whats happening next ?
More publicity and off to meetings at the networks.
46. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Not sure. Depends on what you mean by Celebrity? Naturally, someone famous who influences us in some way. That is a huge responsibility.
This could be a Sports figure…I would have to say Derek Jeter. If a movie star..I would have to say Denzel Washington or Tom Hanks. A Singer. I would have to say Kelly Clarkson.
To me a great celebrity carries that gift as a badge of honor and passes along the very best messages to our youth because there, unfortunately, are too few to look up to.
47. The most fabulous you worked with?
Michael Douglas, Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters, Joan Rivers, Av Westin, Michael Eisner to name a few….
My ten years at ABC were magical. I was learning the industry from the best people, It was an Academy of TV for me.
The King World 18 years were ACTION, I was producing the top events in the business. Each Event was an all A list production and I learned that no matter how hard I worked and covered all bases, there was a time to stop…allow the production to happen because they all take a life form on their own.
Here’s a lesson for others on planning, production and execution… If you have done all the work, crossed every T dotted every I,.,and triple
check…Prepared for errors and mistakes (they always occur)…then, just let the production go…..you cannot control it all.
It will only be noticed by you and you can quickly put out a fire if prepared.
Try to enjoy your own event .
My favorite productions were:
Elton John Live in San Francisco – 1993
Glen Frey – Miami – 1992
The original Temptations in Dallas – 1988
And Elton John again in 2000 New Orleans Superdome!!! EPIC