- PopImpressKA Journal: What is the most aha moment you had in your life? Samantha Bessudo Drucker: The most “aha" moment I ever had was when I met my husband. The second most was when I created my company Polished because I realized that I had a unique set of skills perfect for helping people live their best life by helping them become the best version of themselves through a multifaceted approach. Whenever possible using my education in theatre and communications from NYU to allow me to reach more people at a time. Sharing knowledge, tips, and advice, delivered with a sense of humor to a large audience is my sweet spot.
- PJ: What is the most important thing as a woman you learned from your mother? SBD: The most important thing I learned from my mother is the 'savior fair’ for pretty much anything. Second to that I would say the importance and the joy of art, fashion, beauty, cooking and making a nice home and working hard at one’s career. Multi-tasking…It’s a really hard question because I learned so much from her that “Things I Learned from my Mother' could easily be a future book. I learned a lot about being a woman from her. The kind of woman that I wanted to be, career-focused, successful, beautiful, and talented. I also learned a lot about design from her.
- PJ: What is your best childhood memory? SBD: My childhood was difficult and not a happy one, but my best childhood memories are of family vacations in France, Colombia, Spain, Italy, UK, world travel and virgin beaches at the end of the earth. These vacations were magical. They were a precious bonding time with family stretched across 3 continents. It provided me with the vantage point to see that there was a world beyond my misery. Vacations so epic, they had the power to fortify my soul through the darkest of hours. A reason to keep going. Something to look forward to, to live into.
- PJ: What does happiness means to you? What does success means to you?
SBD: I’ve learned that happiness is a choice. I am thrilled every morning to wake up. When I hear the success and happiness of a client, it melts me. I like helping people. I like feeling useful. Everyone likes to be acknowledged for their work. Being able to, in a small way, make the world a better place by helping as many people as possible live their best life. Happy people make the world a better place. I’ve worked hard all my life. Nothing came easy. Now I am seeing the big picture and the fruits of my labor. But I have a vision and a plan and there’s so much more I want to do.
- PJ: What do you consider the best qualities in a man? And best qualities in a woman?
SBD: Oddly for me the best qualities in a man or a woman are similar.
Kindness, intelligence, generosity, warmth, humor, strength, ingenuity, imagination, and a sense of adventure. 'Joi d’vivre' all very important
- PJ: What if the dating over online application does not work what are the other options?
SBD: In my book, '90 Days To Husband No. 2’ I write about many options for meeting people.Including;
- Ask your friends! They know you, and will have friends and colleagues that might be appropriate for you.
- Ask your family. They know you well too but might have a different perspective than your friends. They also will have access to different social networks than your friends. This is a numbers game.
- Change up your social calendar. Take classes, like ballroom dancing, wine appreciation, cooking, anything that is very interactive with other people.
- Volunteer. It’s good Karma and and you may meet some like-minded people.
- Pray. If you are religious, hop around to different services within your faith. Many temples and churches have singles activities.
- And still, even in a pandemic world there have been cases of people meeting in random. ‘meet cutes'. We are human, a social species that still have the ability to mate in the wild.
- Join, a few Fitness programs. It will be good for you and you will meet new people, like outdoor Cross Fit, or yoga in the park or a new gym.
- PJ: If you would be able to do any profession in a world what could it be and why?
SBD: I would like to have a magazine style lifestyle show with recipes, fashion, beauty, wellness, and culture. I also want to do more acting, which is what I set out to do but lifestyle just found me.
- PJ: Your book 90 days to husband number 2 what’s the most important advice you would give from it? How do you think that book could change the result of woman finding the right man for them for the better?
SBD: The most Important advice I can give to women from my book ’90 Days To Husband #2’ is Rule #1: Know what you want, write it down, then make a plan to go find him. My book can help with that plan but you must first know what you want for your life and in a partner.
- PJ: What dating cites are the best you would recommend your readers to use?
SBD: I recommend people start by focusing on sites that are more relationship-oriented as apposed to hook up oriented.
Consider also sites that are for people who are like-minded, for example, faith, lifestyle, culture, and special interests.
10. PJ: What is your favorite cruise, book, time of the year, Holiday?
SBD: Favorite holidays: Halloween and Passover. I love Halloween for the freedom to express through costume. I love the theatre and pageantry of Halloween, the costumes. Love it. Passover I love for its story of fighting for freedom, for its oral tradition, and rituals and audience participation. I love the mute sensory experience of Passover. smells, tastes, lots of wine, the feast of traditional recipes from around the world shared with friend, and family. Also a very theatrical holiday, script, props, all of it. And thousands of years later the story has new relevance year after year.
11. PJ: You have Love&Design Project that you have created together with your husband Jeffrey, what inspired you to come up with such concept?
SBD: 'Love&Design Project' came about because when I met my husband. He said that one of the things he liked about me was my blend of skill sets and talents. He said that he always dreamed of having a partner that he could do everything with. That he would like to do different business projects with me. Then one day shortly after that I had taken it upon myself to start transforming his apartment. While I was at it, Jeffrey offered to design me a new kitchen. Instead of getting offended, I said, “Great! Walk with me.” And proceeded to suggest to him what walls we could take down along with other suggestions and that’s when it hit me. “We should film it. We’re what happens when an image consultant falls in love with an architect. We should have a renovation show together.”
12. PJ: What are your three wishes?
SBD: Wow! As a lifestyle genie, I am used to granting other peoples wishes, but true to the constructs of being a genie I can not seem to grant my own wishes. Someone must ask me first. Perhaps you have just set me free from my lamp! I wish for a long, healthy, prosperous life, filled with love and happiness. I have always encountered my greatest prosperity and reputation while in the act of helping other people with their lifestyle challenges. I wish for my current lifestyle projects;
'90 Days To Husband No.2', 'Love&Design Project’, 'Samantha’s Kitchen’, and ‘AskSam’ 'Polished Face and 'Polished Complexion' are wildly successful, because they help people live their best life, which makes me happy. Finally, I wish for my own show. I have appeared in many programs and publications, but it has always been my life’s dream to have my own lifestyle show. From there, I know I can build limitlessly. It would give me such immense satisfaction, validation, and inner peace to know that I finally realized my dream.