Fight lot of bosses,with friends or alone!
Go to the Other World to recieve epic rewards and to get back the items the Death Hand stole you!
Party with your friends,and go explore dungeons farther than ever!
Choose from up to 4 classes,each having different style of characters!(Most of them are girls,but this game is manga-like,so it's a bit normal to find more girls than men in that type of manga)
Equip Funny Costumes!
PopImpressKA Journal for Mathieu Chouinardlavoie - Video Games Master Developer
Those images are from our first vidéo game that we will talk in the next journal for the gaming section.As i find new vidéo games i will pick screenshots about it and post it here,on our blog,so you guys can have a nice idea of the game.We will have up to 10 games review in the journal and we hope you like this new system.