PopImpressKA Jounal for Anastasia Wiseman, Mrs. Memphis America 2013, Mrs. Europe Int. 2012, FOUNDER of Say Ft. Non profit Organization,
President of A Wiseman Consulting Inc.
ANASTASIA WISEMAN - Mrs. Memphis America 2013, Mrs. Europe Int. 2012, FOUNDER of Say Ft. Non profit Organization, PRESIDENT of A Wiseman Consulting Inc., Exclusive Interview Anastasia Wiseman is the Founder and President of Say Ft. Inc. Anastasia has worked as a fashion model and brand development consultant with both personal and business clientele throughout the world. She has held the titles of Mrs. Europe International 2012 as well as Mrs. Memphis America 2013. Prior to forming Say Ft., Inc., Anastasia volunteered her time and raised money for orphanages in her native country of Russia, executed a fundraising campaign for the March of Dimes. In 2006, she led the Cummins Inc. team fundraising efforts for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The team exceeded the fundraising goal by 25% and won the Bronze Award. I sat down for a Q & A with Anastasia to learn more about Say Ft. Here is her inspiring message: SAY Ft., INC. is a not for profit corporation. The organization has been established to provide assistance, relief and education to women, children, orphans and other individuals afflicted by poverty and disease.Say Ft. Doctors (benefiting orphanages in Africa, Haiti, and Russia), Say Ft.Olympics (benefiting orphanage in Russia), Say Ft. Lionel Hollins (benefiting St.Jude) , Say Ft. Mrs.Memphis America 2013 (benefiting Best Buddies International and StJude),Ft. Young Entepreneurs benefiting St.Jude
Anastasia chooses Say Ft. models, ambassadors, and members of the Say Ft. Entreprenuers program with criterias: talent, diversity, outstanding achievements, WOW factor. Talented model Marco Ovando, 4 years of age, 2 years of playing piano, speaks 3 languages. From right: Moziah Bridges, 12 years old CEO of www.MosBowsMemphis.com. Moziah is a participant of Say Ft. Young Entreprenuers program dedicated to help St.Jude Childrens Research Hospital in 2013. ( He is making 100 bow ties from watermelon fabric for the boys of St.Jude). It’s all about watermelon!” ( Marco wears watermelon bowtie. Moziah models the Watermelon iphone case)Exclusive Interview with Say Ft. Interview was taken by Janna Rachel
Janna: What is Say Ft. Inc.? Anastasia: Say Ft., INC. is a non-profit organization established to provide assistance, relief and education to women, children, orphans and other individuals affected by poverty and disease while featuring extraordinary work of athletes, corporations, celebrities, and doctors. Janna: What caused you to establish Say Ft.? Anastasia: Always a volunteer at heart, I saw the need for Say Ft., years later, after listening to a number of my higher profile clients and associates explaining to me that they wanted a channel or avenue to volunteer their time and effort, that would acknowledge and appreciate their name recognition, without having to establish and maintain an entire charitable organization of their own but while having more involvement in the process than simply writing a check. Say Ft. provides just that for these retired athletes, celebrities, doctors and corporations, as well as the general public. Say Ft. is a way for these clients to contribute their time, money and name to a charitable causes benefitting women, children and orphanages. Janna: Where did the name Say Ft. come from? Anastasia: The name “Say Ft.” was chosen to reflect the organization’s mission of speaking out on important issues (Say), while the featuring the assistance of a public figure i.e. athlete, celebrity (Ft. = Featuring). For example, former NBA legend, Coach Lionel Hollins recently wished to raise money for the Lionel Hollins Charities and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Say Ft., Inc. and A Wiseman Consulting Inc. assisted Coach Hollins in fundraising by raising awareness of his mission through celebrity endorsement, contacts of the organizations and various social media platforms. With the leadership and creativity of Archer Records, the ITunes ringtone, “Whistle for Attention” was created to assist with the fundraising effort. The project has had success nationwide. The effort was referred to as “Say Ft. Lionel Hollins” – i.e. Say Featuring Lionel Hollins to support Lionel Hollins Charities and St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Janna: Why do I see watermelons associated with Say Ft.? Anastasia: The watermelon is the Say Ft. symbol and logo. Watermelons are rich in antioxidants, amino acids, zinc and calcium C. They help prevent inflammation in muscles as well as well as cardiovascular disease. In addition, watermelons are known to prevent several types of cancer and are a favorite used by athletes with sore muscles. Besides all of the health benefits, red and green is associated with the spirit of joy and giving which we all, especially children, can enjoy all year round. Last, of course, red and green look fabulous together and always remain in style. You may also find a lot of celebrities and supporters, called SayFitters, wearing watermelons and the Ft. logo around the globe. “ It’s all about watermelon!” or “ Thanks a melon!” are phrases that you would hear from a SayFitter or myself. People do and are encouraged to continue to send clothing items, lip-gloss, toys, CD cases and any other paraphernalia with watermelons on them for Say Ft. to deliver to one of our adopted orphanages in Africa, Haiti, and Russia and in one of the many hospitals we work with such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Janna: What are some other recent projects or collaborations that Say Ft. has been involved with? Anastasia: One recent project Say Ft. undertook was the Say Ft. Young Entrepreneurs Program to help St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Moziah Bridges, a 12-year-old CEO, whose start up company makes bowties, joined together with Say Ft. to make bowties from fabric that had watermelons on it for the male patients at the St. Jude Research Hospital. In a similar project, The Bow Friends, consisting of another young Memphis pair of entrepreneurs, Paris and Destiny also partnered up with Say Ft. to make headbands with either watermelons on them or green/red bows for the female patients of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Say Ft., Inc. also just returned from a trip to the orphanage Village Shalom in Haiti where our volunteers educated the children about proper health, hygiene and nutrition, and will hopefully be in a position to make a cash donation to support the needs of the children residing there. Lastly, Say Ft., Inc. recently sponsored the Inaugural Best Buddies, Inc. Gala in Memphis, TN. Best Buddies International, Inc. is a charitable organization that pairs individuals with Downs Syndrome or other disabilities with non-disabled individuals for the purpose of companionship, friendship, networking and assimilating into mainstream society in as many ways as possible. J: What is next for Say Ft.? AW: Say Ft. plans to organize seminars, fundraisers, workshops and community events with a focus on raising funds and awareness for women, children and orphans in need of financial, medical, and educational assistance. Say Ft. will provide direct financial assistance and relief towards exempt organizations with similar charitable purposes. To do so, Say Ft. will award grants to exempt organizations that apply, meet eligibility criteria established by the Board of Directors, and are approved by the Board of Directors. Say Ft. has also established the Say Ft. Young Entrepreneurs, which is a membership program for children under the age of 16. Say Ft. Entrepreneur’s provides mentoring for young entrepreneurs with 1 on 1 brand development coaching sessions and image consulting. If you are a parent of a young driven entrepreneur, model, or TV personality please send a headshot, biography, and the request for an application to YE@SayFt.org by January 10, 2014. A Wiseman Consulting Inc. and members of Say Ft. Doctors program will also award 2 scholarships in 2014. Janna: Anastasia, whom would you like to say “Thanks a melon to?” Anastasia: There are so many people in my life that have contributed to my dream of having a charity that will help children and mothers and involve health, safety and sports initiaves, to come true: my loving and supportive husband, my father-orthopedic surgeon, who started Say Ft. Doctors program, my Mom, who just became the Director of the year in Russia, Jen Mellon, my mother Agent, Suzan Georget with Whilhemina models, Duncan Williams Inc, Jeremy Parker. I thank Kevin Nienhuis, Chris Boysen, and Rick Shadyac with St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Brother Francisco Martin, Olga Popkovich, Contigo Creative, Social Good 360- they are great! All these people and organizations supported my ideas and give me a great example to follow every day! I thank you for supporting Say Ft.! I feel like I am receiving an award! ( laughing ) Let this award go to you, SayFitters, our donors and volunteers Janna: How sweet! What is the message you want to leave the readers with? Anastasia: Say Ft. is currently giving “a clothing item of one’s choice” from the Say Ft. store to everyone who donates $100 to St. Jude Children’s Hospital and giving a Limited Edition clothing item, memorabilia or a gift certificate to everyone who donates $1000. Say Ft. will even give ice skates signed by Olympian Michelle Quan to anyone who donates $5000. This is all to raise $50K for St.Jude by the end of 2013. Clothing items and more information on this program can be found at www.SayFt.org or www.Facebook.com/SayFt.org “You give a gift of Health, Say Ft. gives a gift to you,” Anastasia says. Janna: With an offer like that, who can resist? Become a Say Fitter today! PopImpressKA Journal wants to say thank you to Janna for an amazing Interview with Anastasia Wiseman. Janna Rachel is a publicist for Say Ft. She is a contributor for The Purple Fig, Huffington Post, Corset Magazine and more. Follow Janna on:Twitter at @jannagesq.
“They turn challenges into opportunities to help. Anastasia led my Itunes Ringtone project, proceeds from which benefited my charities. Reaching an aggressive goal was almost impossible, but Anastasia took the time to personally address LA, Miami, Memphis, Boston and Vegas target markets. Thanks to her talented team, determination, flexibility and a wide variety of services this project was a success beyond my expectations.”, Lionel Hollins, NBA Legend and Say Ft. Ambassador at St. Jude “I am a proud supporter of the watermelon Christmas party for St. Jude. You should see the joy and smiles of the patients when they receive gifts with watermelons on them and photos with Mr. Watermelon and Say Ft. celebrity ambassadors. I Say Ft.[Feat]! “, Dr. W. Cooper Sandusky III, Sandusky Orthodontics Say Healthy! “Due to Journey’s illness, it is imperative that she stay hydrated in order to stay healthy and ensure that oxygen is moving to her blood cells. As you might guess, getting a 4 year old to drink water all day can be a bit of a challenge. Therefore I had to find healthy alternatives to get her excited about hydrating her body. So in the summer months she ate lots of watermelon and drank watermelon juice due to the high content of water within the fruit. She was excited about eating something sweet and I was happy because she was happy and healthy.” Dominique Chaney, RHIA, Journey’s mother Journey is a model for Say Ft. and a patient of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Photographer: Gary Campbell Say Give Love! Say Ft. Models: Mom and Daughter, Raafi and Charli with Zoe, Say Ft. Ambassador mouse that visits orphanages and hospitals with Mr. Watermelon all year roundDonate today at www.SayFt.org
Need 1 more reason to look forward to 2014? Follow Say Ft. Olympics membership
program designed for Olympic medalists
on twitter @SaFtUS
Donate $1000 or $5000 to St.Jude at
www.SayFt.org by January 31,2014
“One of the best memories from my childhood is watching winter Olympics with my grandpa Vladimir and ice skating with my grandpa Peter. I still like skating to stay fit[Fit]. This winter 1 lucky SayFitter will win new Sochi ice skates from Olympics in Russia 2014. Say Healthy! Say Safe! Say Ft.[Fit]!”Anastasia
Say Healthy! Say Safety! Say Ft.[Fit]!
and receive a gift from Say Ft.
Olympics program: clothing, ice skates,
collectible barbies, memorabilia and
more from Olympic Games.
To requestan appearance of
Mrs. Memphis America 2013
and Mrs. Europe Int. 2012
please visit
100% of my royalties go to Say Ft. non-profit organization
Donate $100 to St.Jude to receive a clothing item of your choice for you or your child from the Say Ft. store. Donate $250 to children of St.Jude and receive a Limited edition clothing item of your choice. Donations accepted at www.SayFt.orgPayPal: to Info@SayFt.org
via check: Waterford Plaza
Say Ft., Inc
200 Wagner Place Suite 1104
Memphis TN 38103
“You give a gift of Health, give a gift from Say Ft.”
Anastasia Wiseman